
Evidence-based support for student affairs professionals.

Your innovative ideas and research contributions can play a pivotal role in this transformative journey for military-connected students across the United States. We invite you to bring your passion, your projects, and your vision to our community. Join us in shaping a future where military-connected students can navigate their educational paths with greater ease, support, and success.

At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, we proudly embrace a rich heritage of opening doors to higher education for military-connected students. Nestled within the vibrant Chez Veterans Center, our Clearinghouse for Military-Connected Students in Higher Education stands as a beacon of innovation and support. This unique platform empowers student-facing professionals by offering seamless access to a repository of peer-reviewed resources, enabling the sharing of program insights and research initiatives. More than just a resource, it’s a space where student-focused professionals across the nation– at both two-year and four-year institutions– can flourish through professional development and connect with a network of evidence-based leaders.