
FACTEST (FAst ConTrollEr SynThesis)

FACTEST is a controller synthesis tool for nonlinear vehicle models in reach-avoid scenarios. It uses SAT solvers, MILP solvers, and techniques from control theory to synthesize provably correct controllers. FACTEST works in both static and dynamic scenarios.

Information on the FACTEST tool can be found at this site:

The GitHub page for FACTEST is

If you would like to download the VM to replicate results from Fast and Guaranteed Safe Controller Synthesis for Nonlinear Vehicle Models, it can be downloaded from The instructions for the VM can be found at

GRAIC (Generalized RAcing Intelligence Competition)

GRAIC is an autonomous racing competition that focuses on benchmarking decision and control algorithms. It uses an automated testing pipeline to quickly deliver evaluations and results to the competitors.

Information on GRAIC can be found at this site:

The GitHub page for GRAIC is