Health Benefits of Vitamin D

When you think of a source of vitamin D, what do you think of? For many people, it is sunlight. While exposure to direct sunlight does give your body vitamin D, it is very often not enough to sustain the recommended daily amount.

Vitamin D in Daily Life:

The recommended daily amount of vitamin D for people ages 1 to 70 is 600 IU. To put this in an easier to understand way of thinking about it, a glass of milk or a plant based alternative that is fortified with vitamin D will typically only supply around 100 IU per 8 ounces. Many health professionals recommend combining a vitamin D supplement with foods that are high in vitamin D such as halibut, salmon, mushrooms, and eggs.

Progressive Labs has natural vitamin D supplements that can work well with a healthy, vitamin D enforced diet to help reach the recommended daily amount (600 IU).

What Does Vitamin D do?

Vitamin D can help in many ways, including

  • promoting healthy bones and teeth
  • supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health
  • regulating insulin levels
  • supporting lung function
  • supporting cardiovascular health

Vitamin D’s role in the body’s production of calcium makes it a key player in strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D is such a diverse vitamin, making it impactful across the board as to what needs it can fill in our bodies. It is also thought to be helpful in fighting flu like illnesses, due to its ability to strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin D is a great supplement to add to an existing routine, or to use as a basis for an introduction to supplement usage.