Easy and Healthy Food Tips to Try in Quarantine

Since all of us have an abundance of time on our hands, there’s never been a better time to try adding some healthy tricks into our diets. 

Quarantine has me on a snacking frenzy. While I love the idea of sitting and going through a bag of chips per day and downing pizza after pizza dunked in garlic butter, my body does NOT. So, let’s talk about cauliflower thins. They are a great keto/gluten-free/veggie loaded/low calorie alternative to get your carby fix. Anything you could want on a bread or cracker, try on a cauliflower thin to get the fix in a healthier way. 

Like I said, I love carbs. A lot. As someone who struggles with digestion, it’s also really important that I try to double my starch intake with veggies. My new favorite hack is adding in about two zucchinis worth of zoodles (zucchini noodles) into pasta to make sure I have a serving of veggies before my pasta is even topped. This hack works in everything, but I love it in a pasta primavera loaded with summer veggies. 

I am a firm believer that we should take care of our guts. An easy way to do that is how we eat, and using fermented foods is a great place to start. Fermented foods help to produce good probiotics, while killing bad food bacteria. While something that sounds as complicated as fermentation might scare you, I can promise it is way easier than it sounds. You can top your avocado toast or fish tacos with some pickled onions, here is my favorite recipe for those! Or you can try something a little different and make a fermented salsa to top bruschetta with or eat with chips.