Professional Supplements vs Over The Counter Brands

When a person feels an ache, they immediately reach for an ibuprofen. 

When we feel like our allergies are acting up, we grab an antihistamine pill. 

It is so ingrained into our daily lives to take over the counter pills to handle minor inconveniences, even though they only provide temporary relief with chemicals our body likely does not need. Taking professional supplements in the place of its over-the-counter replacement can help not only ease your current pain, but help better prepare your body for the future. 

Using professional supplements should be a first response. Our bodies carry us through life, and they deserve the best care that we can give them.  Most Americans’ leading cause of disease and chronic pain is due to putting unfulfilling things into their bodies. By thinking of food and supplements as medicine instead of simply what we eat in a day, it can lead to a healthier lifestyle overall. When using professional supplements, such as the ones from Douglas Labs, we can help connect the links of a lacking diet. 

In developed countries like America, a poor diet typically stems from either lack of vitamin intake, or the over eating of processed foods which leads to chronic inflammation and/or disease. 

Of course, one should always consult a healthcare profession before making any major diet or medication changes. It is just as important, however, to consider taking a natural and professional supplement route before trying the over-the-counter drug. Brands such as Pure Encapsulations are able to provide similar relief to over the counter brands, in a natural way. By considering what foods and supplements make our bodies feel ‘good’, we can become more attune to what our bodies truly need.