Week 1: The Beginning

As I walked into the MakerLab, I stood in awe of all of the vastly different 3D printed objects. From key chains to a skull and everything in between, I was amazed and curious as to how these 3D printers operated. Soon enough, each student gave the obligatory introduction followed with answers to these questions:

  • What experience have you had with 3D printing?
  • What do you hope to gain from this course?

It was interesting to hear the varied answers between each student. Through these answers, I learned what some of them were passionate about and what hobbies they possess.

After introductions, we received an informative presentation by John Hornick, author of “3D Printing Will Rock the World.” During the presentation, he touched on topics such as 3D Printing’s history, the different types of 3D printing, the impact it has made and the cons. With every technological advancement, there will always be a drawback. I was ignorant to the few cons of 3D printing such as its potential to create firearms. On a lighter note, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. By the end of his presentation, my curiosity for 3D printing spiked greatly from my initial interest. I realized the untapped potential 3D printing can bring to this world and how it can be utilized to alleviate the human condition, especially in terms of healthcare.

Once class was over, I left the MakerLab wondering how law and public policy would change in the near future if 3D printing became commercialized, what advancements outside of the healthcare industry can 3D printing bring, and lastly, how can I make a difference with the knowledge I gain from this course.


2 thoughts on “Week 1: The Beginning

  1. Law and public policy would have to change radically, without a doubt! I mean, once 3d printing becomes commercialized and even personalized, so many issues are bound to come up.

  2. The portion of the lecture on healthcare was indeed fascinating! There are concepts and startups that are advertising the possibility of using living cells that can be 3d printed into prosthetics. Also, thingiverse has so many prosthetic projects up, you could say we’re on the cusp of creating custom prosthetics for all body parts privately, and that’s the most exciting part.

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