Letter to Jason

Hey Jason,

I’m starting a research paper soon, so I need to choose a topic and I’m no good at that.  There’s a lot I’m passionate about, the only issue is that I don’t know what I would want to say with presenting the information of that subject. So I have topics, I just need questions about the topics to fuel the purpose for my research and have an end goal, you’re always good at asking questions or posing critiques that lead to arguments, though if only because you enjoy arguing more than actually developing a view point. Also, deciding whether or not to do a political topic is difficult as well, ‘hot’ political topics are not allowed but I wouldn’t plan on doing those specific ones anyway. It would be helpful to do one, as I already frequently discuss it and therefore know where I can find sources and relevant information however I feel that may result in a heavy bias (Though that may be okay in this circumstance) and connecting the different arguments may be difficult. Perhaps I could choose a school of thought on a book I enjoy, and proceed to refute/agree with it, that would be fun as it allows for a lot of free-flow argument along with the required citing.  At the very least these two options would keep me interested, and that’s what I want, so I could develop these ideas and maybe find something that would combine the two so as to not choke my arguments with too many sources nor starve it with none.
