Statistics Seminar

“Recent Advances on Optimal Design of Experiments”
Dr. Min Yang, University of Illinois, Chicago

Date: Thursday, April 16, 2015
Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: 160 English Building
NOTE: This is different than our usual location.
Sponsor: Department of Statistics, Annie Qu

Designing experiments is an integral part of the scientific process, both for discovery and verification. Resources are almost always scarce, and judicious use of the limited resources is essential. Identifying efficient and optimal designs for data collection is therefore paramount. In this talk, I will first give one simple example demonstrating the set up and the impact of efficient designs. Then I will review the classical tools of studying optimal designs. A new tool will be introduced. With this tool, many well-known results in the optimal design literature can be unified and extended. If time permitted, I plan to talk about a newly developed algorithm. The new algorithm can be applied to variety of optimality problems. More important it is much faster than the existing algorithms.