ECE Explorations Seminar

Brian Zimmer-VP of Engineering & Erik Andrejko-Senior Lead, Science
The Climate Corporation
Wednesday, March 19 | 5:00pm | 151 Everitt Lab
The demand for agricultural outputs is growing. To meet this demand,increasingly mechanized precision agriculture must be combined with enormous amounts of collected data to intelligently optimize agriculture outputs. We will consider the challenges and possible approaches inherent to tackling this problem: optimizing global food production.
Zimmer leads the The Climate Corporation’s science and engineering teams. He has more than 15 years of experience leading the development of large-scale systems in a variety of industries. He earned a BS in finance from Illinois.
Andrejko leads The Climate Corporation Science and Research Organization, spanning research across teams including climatology, producing hyper-local weather forecasts; and agronomic models,  connecting hyper-local weather measurements to agronomic outcomes.
Open to all | Pizza will be provided after the talk!