AAS 490: research course

I hope you are all enjoying what is left of summer. I’d like to notify you of a unique research class offering for this Fall 2013 semester.

Course description:
This course allows students to have supervised participation in social science research activities. Students are expected to conduct participant observation and interviews, read and discuss classmates field notes, and become familiar with a key body of literature pertaining to the research question. The group meets once a week to discuss fieldwork and academic literature. This course will be 3 credit hours. This year the research lab is examining how escalating numbers of international undergraduates are transforming the University of Illinois in particular and the American university more generally. This course will also offer students an unique opportunity to work closely with faculty, graduate students, and other undergraduates involved in a research project that examines the impact of international undergraduates on our campus.

If you are indeed interested could you please:
1) Email Prof Soo Ah Kwon sakwon@illinois.edu and let her know you are interested.
2) Enroll in AAS 490.  Please do this ASAP.
Graduate students: AAS 490  CRN# 45334 (4 credit hours)
Undergraduates: AAS 490 CRN# 45335 (3 credit hours)

Please note that on the course information/class schedule the course is listed as occurring on Mondays 9-11:20. PLEASE IGNORE THIS. The class will meet either 2 or 2.5 hours once a week but we have not figured out a class time class meeting time but  once you confirm your participation you’ll be included in our doodle poll to figure out a time that works best for everyone.

If for some reason you’d like to enroll and it won’t let you because of time conflict of a class you are already signed up for, please email Prof Kwon atsakwon@illinois.edu.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I’d be glad to answer. Also feel free to forward this to anyone who may be interested as well.