The Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development (AAID) is planning a storage system for three to six months of Gulf region grain reserves. The location will most likely be in the UAE because it is close to the port of Fujairah in the Gulf of Oman. This project comes in conjunction with the start of […]
Market Sought for Surplus 500,000 Tons of Maize, Beans
As a result of various government programs in irrigation, mechanization, land use consolidation, and use of improved seeds and fertilizers, Rwanda now has a large surplus of maize and beans. The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources reported a projected surplus of 300,000 tons of maize and 200,000 tons of beans this year. To cope, […]
Mercy Corps Helps Rebuild Haitian Economy Two Years After Quake
Two years after the earthquake, Mercy Corps continues to work with the rebuilding of Haiti and its economy. Of particular focus is educating farmers on business skills and how to reduce significant PHL. The organization’s two-year report can be found here.
Corn Production Dips Due to Typhoons
Typhoons in the Philippines have led to between 200,000 to 250,000 metric tonnes of loss for corn, leading to a call for the private sector to invest in post-harvest facilities.
Work on to Create 2 mt Silos
India’s Planning Commission and Food Ministry are building silos to store 2 million tonnes of grain. The government will provide 20% viability gap funding, while private parties and the Food Corporation of India will fund the rest of the construction. Companies funding the project will be provided with concessions for the next 20 years. The […]
G-20: Fact Sheet on Common Global Challenges
The G-20 has outlined PHL as one of its main priorities for development, recognizing the importance of such projects and programs as the Agricultural Market Information System, Agriculture Minister’s Action Plan, USAID initiatives, the Agricultural Pull Mechanism Initiative (AGPM), and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program.
Checking Post-Harvest Losses in Nigeria’s Agriculture
Many challenges in Nigeria limited the food production capacity. Post-harvest losses have happened from several different aspects such as pest management, storage, natural disasters and processing. Ms. Oluwatoyinbo advocated the states and the local governments to join this campaign against post-harvest losses. Analysts also advocate private sector to support development of food processing facilities and […]
Surinder Sud: Give Food Some Thought
Foodgrain mismanagement, imprudent trade decisions, and lack of advanced supply chain infrastructure have had high impacts on Indian farm-to-market connections, resulting in high PHL. Policy changes and reform of the ‘mandi’ system are seen as solutions to the issue, as well as private investment – and a reformation of the entire agribusiness chain of activities. […]
Investors Target Harvest with Mobile Maize Dryers
Lesiolo Grain Handlers Limited (LGHL), which exhibited its mobile drier at the ninth edition of the annual agribusiness fair by the Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC), is the latest to join other players eyeing this window. Poor drying due to overreliance on heat from the sun has been cited as a major cause of Aflatoxin […]
Govt, Pvt Sector Must Focus on AEZs to Boost Agri Exports
India – The agricultural industry is urging the Indian government to create Agricultural Export Zones (AEZ) and appropriate market policies to increase India’s share of the global market. Currently, the country’s produce exports occupy about 1.6% “The AEZ concept has the potential to improve agriculture output and quality besides reducing post-harvest losses and upgradation of technology, farmers’ skills […]