Archive | October, 2011

Post-Harvest Food Losses Reduction in Maize

Post-harvest food losses reduction in maize production in Nigeria (PDF) was recently published in the African Journal of Agricultural Research. The article examines causes of loss as well as makes recommendations for reduction.


World Crops Database gives an analysis on the need for storage facilities, which countries in the world are investing in such silos and facilities, and what it will take to fill such large storage facilities.


The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2011

The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2011 was recently published by the FAO and asks the question of “How does international price volatility affect domestic economies and food security?” Additionally, it targets the factors leading to high prices as well as the dangers and effects of such prices on food security, giving policy […]


International Biojohor Conference and Exhibition

The 3rd International Biojohor Conference and Exhibition will be held in June 2012 in Johor, Malaysia, focusing on biotechnology and biodiversity. The deadline for paper abstract submissions is March 1, 2012, and early registration ends March 20.


Deep Thinking About the Future of Food

Deep Thinking about the Future of Food provides several arguments – mainly environmental and social inequity – behind the future of global agriculture. The paper “Solutions for a Cultivated Planet” by the University of Minnesota is featured, and recommends that a certification of sorts be applied to sustainably-farmed food, thus integrating a form of grading […]


Flood Costs to Surpass $100mn

Flooding is costing Cambodia over US$100 million as more than 445,300 hectares of rice paddy have been affected or destroyed (about 20% of the total crop). Bridge and road infrastructure have been destroyed, while rice seedlings also have been affected. The government has mandated a cost jump from $250 to $500 per ton in response. […]


Kenya/Djibouti – 12th Update Situation on Somali Refugee Crisis 8th October

Refugees in Djibouti and Kenya are both affected by and affecting food prices. Djibouti imports over 95% of its food and food prices are 63 percent above the nominal five-year average. This price rise puts 147,000 into poverty and affects the state of refugees receiving food aid in camps as well.


The New Harvest: Agricultural Innovation in Africa

“Half of all malnourished people in Africa are farmers who produce food.” Professor Calestous Juma of Harvard’s Kennedy School and author of The New Harvest, says that farmers are underfed due to infrastructural incapacity and can alleviate their problems through technology application, improvements in supply chains, and rural development of telecoms, transportation, energy, and education. […]


Half of Malnourished People in Africa are Farmers

“Half of all malnourished people in Africa are farmers who produce food.” Professor Calestous Juma of Harvard’s Kennedy School and author of The New Harvest, says that farmers are underfed due to infrastructural incapacity and can alleviate their problems through technology application, improvements in supply chains, and rural development of telecoms, transportation, energy, and education. […]


GlobalG.A.P. Tour 2011 on Good Agricultural Practice

The GlobalG.A.P. Tour 2011 on Good Agricultural Practice will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on November 22 and 23, 2011. Registration is open and conference topics will focus on food safety and sustainability issues.
