Klara Nahrstedt

Title University of Illinois

Klara Nahrstedt is the Ralph and Catherine Fisher Full Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Computer Science Department, and the Acting Director of Coordinated Science Laboratory. She is the co-author of the textbooks “Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications“, published by Prentice Hall 1995, “Multimedia Systems“, published by Spring Verlag in 2004, and the author of the online book “QoS in Wireless Networks over Unlicensed Spectrum“, published by Morgan & Claypool in 2012. She is the recipient of the Early NSF Career Award, the Junior Xerox Award, the IEEE Communication Society Leonard Abraham Award for Research Achievements, the University Scholar Award, the Humboldt Research Award, and IEEE Computer Society Technical Achievement Award. She was the editor-in-chief of the ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal (2000-2007), associate editor of ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications (2005-2011), associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2012-now), associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, general co-chair of ACM Multimedia 2006, general chair of ACM NOSSDAV 2007, general chair of IEEE PerCom 2009, and Ralph and Catherine Fisher Professor (2002-2012). She was elected to serve as the chair of the ACM SIG Multimedia (2007-2013).

Klara Nahrstedt received her BA in mathematics from Humboldt University, Berlin, in 1984, and M.Sc. degree in numerical analysis from the same university in 1985. She was a research scientist in the Institute for Informatik in Berlin until 1990. In 1995 she received her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Computer and Information Science. She is the ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and the Member of Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences.

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