Project 1: A presentation of UIUC for a Prospective Student from Senegal or The Gambia


  1. You are a domestic graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This university welcomes many international students from more than 110 countries around the world.
  2. As of the Spring semester of 2017, there are less than 15 students from both Senegal and The Gambia. These are two major countries where the Wolof language is spoken. Universities in the United States are among international institutions that attract many students and professors from both of these countries.

Student Task: Considering the two contexts described above,

  1. Prepare a creative youtube video presentation in Wolof to introduce the University of Illinois at U-C to a prospective student (undergraduate or graduate) from Senegal or The Gambia.
  2. You may include any relevant information for a prospective student. But your video should contain:
  • a general description of the University [location, departments, general statistics, etc.]
  • some information on the history of this institution [date of creation, one or two examples of landmarks in the change of demographics on the number of African students, etc.]
  • 3 to 4 things that Illinois can offer and that could convince prospective students from these countries to apply to UIUC. NB: You may use cultural knowledge competence you so far have about both Senegal and The Gambia if you find that helpful.
  • 1 or 2 cultural challenges that a prospective student from these countries may face while at UIUC.
  • Based on the challenge(s), give suggestions and a few tips on how to get ready for that or to approach it when that happens.

NB: Feel free to include any relevant information. Once done, respond to this thread by posting the link to your video.

Potential resources:

  1. Office of Admissions:
  2. Office of Inclusion and Intercultural Relations:
  3. International Students and Scholars Statistics:
  4. National context:
  5. Additional resources outside the campus:
  6. Illinois International:


Youtube video of the submission (Dalal jàmm ci UIUC)

One thought on “Project 1: A presentation of UIUC for a Prospective Student from Senegal or The Gambia


    Dalal ak jam ci daara bu kawe bu Illinois. Daara bu kawe bu Illinois ci Urbana-Champaign la nekk. Iniwersité bu mag la. Champaign-Urbana nekk na dekk bu dëgg-dóómu. Iniwersité bi am na 40,00 (ñent fukki juddi) jàngkat- 30,000 (net fukki juddi) ci premier cycle ak 10,000 (fukki juddi) jàngkat ci deuxième cycle.
    Sosuwoon na ci atum 1885 (junni ak juróóm- netti tééméér ak juróóm-nett-fukk ak juróóm). Lu jiitu naar fukkeel xarnu, daara bu kawe bu mbey la. Ñenn ci jàngkat yi dañuy jógé ci wétu Chicago. Am na itam jàngkat yu bari yu jógé yeneen rééw.
    Ci daara bu kawe bu Illinois, ñemm ñi dañuy gëstu. Fakilté génie civile am na solo.
    Ci Champaign ak Urbana am na lekkukaay yu bari. Ci daara bu kawe bi am na mbir yoo man a def ci misaal teyaatar yi, dars yi, ak films yi.
    Téy am na lu yees fukk ak juróómi jàngkat yu bawoo Senegaal wala Gàmbi. Am na itam jàngalekat yu jógé Afrik, ci misaal Maimouna Barro, njittu Fakilté njangum Afrik.
    Ci daara bu kawe bii ci Champaign ci jamono sedd, sedd na lool. War na sol yééré yu bari, ci misaal, mbaxana, ay gan, ak ay kool.
    Itam, Amerikeŋ yi xamuñu lu bari ci Afrik. Baaxul jéémal a ànd ak dal booy wax ak ñit ñu.

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