We had a great time at STLE 2018 in Minneapolis. Both Shab and Jiho presented their work in the “Materials Tribology” track, and Chris, Prabhakaran, and Hao presented posters. Congrats to Chris on his poster award! Below you can see some of the nice contact area measurements he has been making over the past few […]
We teach tribology: STLE STEM outreach event
All the graduate students took turns describing to groups of high school students how a record player works. Then the students were challenged to listen to a song from the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack and match up sound signatures with micrographs of the grooves on the record surface. A groovy time was had! A […]
Prof Dunn at Tribology Day, Argonne National Lab
Leading tribologists in the Midwest met at Argonne to coordinate efforts.