Science -> Community with Paper2Tree

Shab celebrated her recent publication in Soft Matter by connecting with the community for a day through Paper2Tree. First she worked with a class at Booker T Washington Elementary School to demonstrate a bit about the science of wear. Then she helped plant a tree to recognize that academic publications have used extensive resources, and […]

Multifunctionality of insect cuticle: friction and optics

Insects did it first! Inspired by beetle iridescence and a scientist who has studied them (Ainsley Seago), the ABC Lab, the INHS Insect Collection, and the Materials Tribology Lab teamed up to study the multifunctionality of insect cuticle. Back down the evolutionary tree of beetles, some species developed iridescent cuticle, and others did not. This […]

Robust soft robots – use your feet wisely!

As soft robots are the new normal, polydimethylsiloxane, or PDMS, is becoming ubiquitious in labs. You know it as the material that makes “sticky hands” you throw against the wall, and it can be a clear, or slightly cloudy (turbid) soft solid. It can be molded into any shape conceivable, especially shapes with more than […]

Prof Dunn joins Young Tribologists at ITC Sendai 2019

Thanks to Angela Pitenis (UCSB) and Hitoshi Washizu (University of Hyogo) for inviting me to be a part of this exciting symposium. We had many countries represented, and I learned a lot about the excellent tribology study going on in Japan. I highly recommend the ITC conference, a joint venture between STLE and JAST. Everyone […]