co-investigator: Silvina Montrul
collaborators: Mónica Crivos (on Spanish), Hélade Santos and Elaine Grolla (on Brazilian Portuguese), Ji-Hye Kim (on Korean), Vadim Philippov (on Russian)
Related papers:
- Tania Ionin, Elaine Grolla, Hélade Santos and Silvina Montrul. 2015. “Interpretation of NPs in generic and existential contexts in L3 Brazilian Portuguese.” Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 5, 215-251.
- Tania Ionin, Elaine Grolla, Silvina Montrul and Hélade Santos. 2014. “When articles have different meanings: acquiring the expression of genericity in English and Brazilian Portuguese.” In P. Cabredo Hofherr & A. Zribi-Hertz (eds.), Crosslinguistic studies on Noun Phrase structure and reference, Syntax and Semantics vol. 19 (pp. 367-397). Leiden: Brill.
- Tania Ionin, Elaine Grolla, Hélade Santos and Silvina Montrul. 2013 (conference poster). “Plural NP interpretation in third language acquisition of Brazilian Portuguese“. Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, MA, November 1, 2013.
- Tania Ionin, Silvina Montrul and Mónica Crivos. 2013. “A bidirectional study on the acquisition of plural NP interpretation in English and Spanish.” Applied Psycholinguistics, 34, 483-518.
- Silvina Montrul and Tania Ionin. 2012. “Dominant language transfer in Spanish heritage speakers and second language learners in the interpretation of definite articles.” Modern Language Journal, 96, 70-94.
- Tania Ionin, Silvina Montrul and Hélade Santos. 2011. “Transfer in L2 and L3 acquisition of generic interpretation”. In N. Danis, K. Mesh, and H. Sung (eds.), Proceedings of the 35th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp. 283-295. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- Tania Ionin, Silvina Montrul and Hélade Santos. 2011. “An experimental investigation of the expression of genericity in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.” Lingua, 121, 963-985.
- Tania Ionin, Silvina Montrul, Ji-Hye Kim and Vadim Philippov. 2011. “Genericity distinctions and the interpretation of determiners in L2 acquisition”. Language Acquisition, 18, 242-280.
- Tania Ionin and Silvina Montrul. 2010. “The role of L1-transfer in the interpretation of articles with definite plurals in L2-English”. Language Learning, 60, 877-925.
- Silvina Montrul and Tania Ionin. 2010. “Transfer effects in the interpretation of definite articles by Spanish Heritage Speakers”. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13, 449-473.
- Tania Ionin and Silvina Montrul. 2009. “Article use and generic reference: parallels between L1- and L2-acquisition”. In M. P. García-Mayo & R. Hawkins (Eds.), Second Language Acquisition of Articles: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Implications. John Benjamins.