Next week we will be hosting an Informational Session on the College of Education’s Learning and Education Studies (LES) major on Wednesday, February 10 from 3-4PM in the Division of General Studies (DGS) Office, Rm. 514 Illini Union Bookstore Building, 807 S. Wright.
We appreciate your help in letting interested students know about this event.
See the description below and the flyer attached.
Are you interested in diversity? What about technology? Or Globalization and Cultural Understanding? Please join the College of Education to learn more about their LES major. LES Faculty and students will present information about the major during this information session at the Division of General Studies (DGS) office, Rm. 514 on Wednesday, February 10 at 3pm. Mark your calendars and we look forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to make the session, but want to know more, you can contact Kathy Ryan, or check out our website at
I’m glad to answer any questions you may have. Thank you!
Kathy Ryan
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education at Illinois │ Student Academic Affairs Office
1310 S. Sixth Street Room 142 │ Champaign, IL 61820 │ (217) 333-2800