Category Archives: Majors/Minors

College of Business ICT Meetings

We have scheduled a few ICT meetings for next week for students interested in transferring into the College of Business after their freshman year.  We will be holding more in late February as well.
Tuesday, January 22 – 11:00am in 2001 BIF
Tuesday, January 22 – 2:00pm in 241 Wohlers Hall
Wednesday, January 23 – 2:00pm in 2001 BIF
– College of Business

History Major/Minor Information Session

The Department of History will be holding an information session about the History major, History minor, and Social Science teaching option on Wednesday, January 23, at 3 PM in room 317 Gregory Hall.  Please pass this along to any interested students.

Global Studies Info Sessions

We will hold Global Studies Information Sessions during Spring 2013 on the following dates and times:

Tuesday, January 15, 1:00 pm
Wednesday, January 23, 3:00 pm
Monday, January 28, 3:00 pm
Tuesday, March 5, 4:00 pm
Wednesday, March 13, 4:00 pm
Thursday, March 28, 3:00 pm
Thursday, April 11, 3:00 pm
Friday, April 26, 2:00 pm

Meetings will be held in the Global Studies Conference Room (703 S. Wright Street, 3rd Floor).

Attendance at a meeting is required prior to declaring the major or the minor. Each meeting will last about an hour. In preparation for the meeting, students are encouraged to visit our website at:

Info session dates and times can always be found here:

MCB Information Meetings

I hope you all had a relaxing break.  Attached is a flyer with information
regarding the spring information meetings for students wishing to declare
the MCB major or minor.  Please forward to interested students.  If they
cannot attend one of these meetings they should call 227-333-6774 to
schedule an appointment.

Thinking about transferring to MCB?
Want to learn more about the Major or Minor?

Attend one of our informational meetings to learn about the program
requirements and receive paperwork (if eligible) to officially declare MCB
as your major or minor.

Seating is limited and RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED.
Call 217-333-6774 or stop by 127 Burrill Hall to Reserve your spot.

Monday, February 25, 11:00 AM
Thursday, February 28, 10:30 AM
Monday, March 4, 11:00 AM
Friday, March 8, 11:00 AM
Monday, March 11, 11:00 AM
Thursday, March 14, 10:30 AM
Thursday, March 14, 2:30 PM
Monday, March 25, 11:00 AM
Thursday, March 28, 11:00 AM
Thursday, March 28, 2:30 PM

An academic advisor will provide an overview of the MCB program,
requirements, career opportunities and the criteria for declaring MCB.
Interested students should attend only one session.  All sessions are
identical and typically last 1 hour.

All meetings will be held in room 164A Burrill Hall


College of Education ICT info Sessions

The College of Education will be holding Informational Sessions for students that wish to transfer into the College of Education. Please encourage your students to attend our informational sessions if they have questions about the application process to the majors of Elementary Education, Early Childhood or Special Education. Attending a session is the BEST way for students to get all their questions answered by an academic advisor. 
The informational sessions will be held every Tuesday of the Spring semester 4-5pm Education building room 210A.

Pre-Law events

Happy spring semester! Please share information with interested students about these January Pre-Law events. Students can check out our blog at All of our events are also listed in our online event calendar located at
Pre-Law Advising Services has announced several LSAT prep course scholarships available for students who will be taking the June exam. More information on the scholarships and how to apply for them can be found on our blog here:
Northwestern Law Dean and LegalTrek Information Session, Tues, Jan. 22 at 4:00 pm in Lincoln Hall 1002. Join us as two Northwestern Law professionals discuss two different programs there. First, their Dean of Admissions, Johann Lee, visits to talk about life at Northwestern and answer any questions you may have about the admissions process. This session will also feature Audra Wilson, Director of LegalTrek, Northwestern’s Law’s ten-week summer program designed to provide a hands-on, comprehensive overview of the legal profession to diverse college students and recent grads. Ms. Wilson will be here to meet interested students and to talk about the application process for Legal Trek. More details about the program: LegalTrek offers opportunities to learn legal skills through practical, fun and engaging weekly seminars taught by law faculty and practicing lawyers at Northwestern Law’s campus. Students participate in a series of exercises such as mock jury trial, simulated negotiation, and client interview. Applications for LegalTrek are accepted January 7-mid February, and you can find out more info by visiting:
Pre-Law Orientation on Monday, Jan. 28 at 4:00 in Room 514 of the Illini Union Bookstore Building (807 S. Wright St, Floor 5). This orientation is for all students who are new to pre-law. What does it mean to be “pre-law”? What can students do to maximize their undergraduate education to ensure success in law school and beyond? How can students further explore legal jobs and education? We will cover all of these topics and more, and answer questions about what skills, courses, and experiences pre-law students can be seeking during their undergraduate years. Please RSVP online at so that we have enough seating and materials for everyone. Freshmen must attend an orientation prior to setting up an individual pre-law advising appointment.
Thanks for helping us share this information with interested students!

Join our Pre-Law Advising Services at U of IL Facebook group!

Spanish Major/Minor Information Meetings

Please encourage students interested in a Spanish minor or major to attend one of the meetings on the attached schedule. The first one is next Wednesday, January 16 at 4:00 in the Lucy Ellis Lounge of FLB.  The information will include the minor requirements, how to declare, obstacles and possible solutions, and studying abroad for UIUC Spanish course credit. The final meeting of last semester had standing room only so please encourage students to start earlier this semester.




Psychology Prospective Student Meetings

The Psychology Advising Office will be offering informational Prospective Student Meetings
throughout the spring semester.

Our informational meetings are designed to be interactive and require preparation by students (see below).


How to prepare for a  Prospective Student meeting:

1. Visit Room 10, Psychology Building, sign up for a Prospective Student meeting and obtain an informational packet.

2. Generate a Psychology Degree Audit Report (DARS) <>

3. Carefully review your DARS – any questions about your audit?  Come prepared: highlight, circle, take notes and bring your questions to the meeting.

4. Bring either your printed DARS or electronic DARS on your laptop to the meeting.

(If you a student is not prepared for the meeting, we will ask them to attend a future meeting)

Remember, undeclared UIUC Psychology students wishing to utilize the Undergraduate Advising services are required to attend an informational meeting.

This information and more on our Prospective Student Meeting <> website.
**During peak advising times (first week of the semester and the priority registration weeks), psychology advising is unavailable for undeclared students. Please seek registration advice through your home major or Division of General Studies.