Two new Sociology Courses!

We have two great new faculty teaching new courses under our SOC 196: Issues in Sociology rubric in Spring. Please let your students know about these courses. Both are great introductions to the field of Sociology.


SOC 196 — Section KL– Social Problems: Inequality and Disparity


Kevin T. Leicht, Professor and Head

Department of Sociology


MWF 2 – 2:50 PM

This class examines an array of social problems (poverty and economic inequality, race and ethnic inequality, gender inequality, health, family, crime, education, environment, work and employment) through a sociological lens. Learning to look at social problems through a sociological lens can improve your critical thinking, help you to write more clearly and make you a more savvy consumer of information



SOC 196 — Section PB — Sociology of Gender


Phyllis Baker, Professor of Sociology


MWF 9:00 – 9:50

Study of gender primarily in the United States with focus on individual, interactional, and institutional aspects of social world. Emphasis on femininities, masculinities, gendered bodies, socialization, work, family, politics, and sexualities


Dr. Nicole Holtzclaw-Stone

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Sociology

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign