LER is hosting another Informational Meetings for students to learn more about the Master of Human Resources and Industrial Relations (MHRIR) Program at the School of Labor and Employment Relations! Interested students will be joined by faculty and staff for curriculum overview and current students as they share their experiences in the program. Other topics during the session include admissions requirements and career opportunities in the field!
Kindly pass information along to students that may be interested in a career in HR!
Please note the date change due to conflicts beyond our control. We apologize for the inconvenience.
If anyone has questions they are welcome to email me at ebarker@illinois.edu. Becky Barker
Thursday, November 12th
Labor and Employment Relations Building
Room 35
5:15-7:00 p.m.
Dinner Provided!
Becky Barker
Assistant Dean for Student Services
School of Labor and Employment Relations