Dyadic Interviews


To interactively interview (and foster discussion among) students by exposing pairs to open-ended, self-directed questions. 


Similar to focus groups, dyadic groups consist of two participants who interact with each other in response to open-ended questions. These questions are typically posed to each other. Dyadic interviews 1) presuppose that there is an interdependent relationship between any pair of participants and 2) use the relationship as a source of information. 


social theory, collaboration, interviewing 


  • Prompting students to interview each other supports their development of social skills as well as their confidence and autonomy. 
  • Students’ interactions in a paired, casual setting can move them to enter more intimate discussion. 
  • Allowing students to drive the pace and direction of the interview supports their agency. 
  • Putting students in a paired activity can motivate their learning. 


  1. In developing a lesson plan, draft open-ended questions. These will typically be content related, but could also include more personal topics that aim to foster a relationship between participants.  
  2. Consider whether participant pairs should be randomized or by design. If by design, specify your criteria prior to making assignments. 
  3. Consider whether the activity will be assessed. If so, will the assessment be merit- or content-based? 
  4. Plan time for explaining the activity to students and for answering questions. Consider presenting a sample interview scenario or dialogue to demonstrate what is expected of students. 


Caldwell, K. (2013). Dyadic interviewing: a technique valuing interdependence in interviews with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Qualitative Research, 14(4), 488-507. 

Leydens, J. A., & Lucena, J. C. (2009). Listening as a missing dimension in engineering education: Implications for sustainable community development efforts. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 52(4), 359-376.  

(2021, 22-July). Dyadic Interviews. The K. Patricia Cross Academy. https://kpcrossacademy.org/techniques/dyadic-interviews/.