Thank YOU for marching with us in Pride!

A huge THANK YOU to all of the faculty, staff, students, families, and even pets(!) who walked with us on Saturday’s Champaign-Urbana Pride parade. We had an awesome turn out, everyone looked great in their orange shirts (and we hope to see them around campus), the weather was just right, and the day was just amazing!

For our seasoned supporters and members, we thank you for your dedication and tireless efforts to promote a more inclusive and support campus and local community for people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. If Saturday was your first time joining such an effort, we welcome you to continue working with us through the year and for many more years to come. Below, you’ll find some resources on different ways to stay involved.

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Most gay and lesbian researchers are out in the lab
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) scientists feel more accepted in the workplace than their peers in other professions, a US survey suggests. The study, published in the Journal of Homosexuality1, also found that respondents in scientific fields with a high proportion of women, such as the social sciences, were more likely to be out to their colleagues than those in more male-intensive disciplines, such as engineering.” Read more at link above