Textbooks and Teaching Supplies


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the timely collection of orders for textbooks and teaching supplies.  Receiving the information by the deadline allows the bookstore time to develop a list of books they can buy back from the students during the final exam period. In addition, it allows time for the receipt of the materials, and time to make adjustments in the case of fulfillment problems (publisher out-of-stock, out-of-print, foreign sources, etc.).   The procedures in place are not intended to impede instructors’ freedom to choose course materials, but are intended to ensure that members of the university community are in compliance with the Retails Sales Act of Illinois and the Federal Higher Education Opportunity Act as well as provide students with course materials in a timely manner.


This policy regulates how instructors and departments for the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign submit their lists for course materials (textbooks and supplies) to bookstores.


This policy originates with the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and is enforced by the authority of the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


A departmental designee should see that orders for textbooks and teaching supplies are completed and returned by the deadlines listed below to the Illini Union Bookstore, which serves as the consolidation point prior to distribution of departmental orders to local bookstores.

The bookstores use the completed book lists not only to order books and supplies for the next semester, but also to determine which books they will purchase for resale as used textbooks. If a book is no longer required as a text, the bookstores are unable to pay the student as much — or to purchase the book at all in some cases — as they can when the book continues to be required material.

Deadlines for Textbook Orders

Departmental orders for course materials (textbooks and supplies) should be completed and returned to the Illini Union Bookstore, 809 South Wright Street, Champaign, MC-378, by the deadlines listed below:

Semester Deadline
Fall April 7
Spring October 7
Summer March 20

It is critical that departments meet the deadlines established for textbook orders. Receiving the information before the deadline allows the bookstores time to develop a list of books they can buy back from the students during the final exam period. In addition, it allows time for the receipt of the materials, and also allows time to make adjustments in the case of fulfillment problems (publisher out-of-stock, out-of-print, foreign sources, etc.). Be aware that books ordered from foreign sources may take 3-6 months for delivery. With the exception of desk copies, departments should not order directly from publishers. Exclusive orders with one bookstore are discouraged.

A Single Responsible Person

A specific person in each department should be responsible for textbook orders. This person should coordinate the textbook orders with courses to be offered during a given semester in order to be sure that all faculty members have turned in their orders. The designated person should also see that all order forms are complete and include information about publisher and edition, and an estimate of the total expected enrollment for each course or section. (The estimated enrollment is important in determining the number of books to be ordered, and the departments are better equipped to estimate enrollment than the bookstores.)

Depleted Supplies of Texts

Due to the high volume of traffic at the beginning of each semester, you may receive reports of bookstores being out of particular books. Make sure that the students have asked if more books are available (many times the shelves just need to be restocked), and that they have checked all bookstores. Being out-of-stock at one bookstore does not necessarily guarantee that all stores are out of the book. If copies are not available, the student should inform the instructor, and the instructor should determine the number of additional texts required and inform the department. The department should notify the Illini Union Bookstore accordingly.


  1. Distribute the textbook order link to instructors for them to complete and return to the departmental person responsible for textbook orders.
  2. Check to see that all required information has been provided, including:
    1. SEMESTER or session. If Summer Term 1, please specify in BOLD letters. Order one semester at a time unless there are special circumstances involved.
    2. Total ENROLLMENT expected. (A realistic estimate should be provided.)
    3. EDITION details. List as many details of book editions ordered as possible (e.g., edition number and paperback/hardback if applicable, publication date, and publisher).
    4. REQUIRED vs. RECOMMENDED texts. Make sure required (essential for students to purchase) and recommended (not necessary for students to purchase but may if they wish) are specified and separated.
    5. Indicate if student will have the book because of prerequisite or other courses.
    6. Will text probably be used again?
    7. Required SUPPLIES. Identify and list all required supplies so the bookstores will be sure to have a stock of these items (i.e., iClickers, etc.). Do NOT assume the bookstores will have an adequate stock or the exact item you require unless you inform them.
  3. The order should be submitted via email, the online form, or a paper copy, note an excel spreadsheet can be used.  Retain a copy for your files and forward a copy of completed orders to Textbook Orders, 809 South Wright Street, MC-378. (Orders are required. Do not assume a phone call, or the fact the course is taught every semester, means the bookstores will stock a textbook.)  If the various sections of the same course will use different textbooks or different materials, a completed order should be submitted for each section.
  4. As textbook orders are returned to the department coordinator please forward to the Illini Union Bookstore as they arrive.  The person responsible for them should coordinate textbook orders with courses to be offered in order to be sure that all faculty have turned in their orders.
  5. Departments which publish their own class notes for students to purchase through the bookstores should let IUB know.  If you are ordering class notes at a local copy shop, using online notes, or do not require textbooks or supplies please list this information on your order form. This will be helpful to the bookstores in providing accurate information to our students.


No department or unit at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is exempt from the policy.


Questions about book orders should be directed to Textbook Manager, Illini Union Bookstore (217-244-3730). Questions concerning policy should be directed to the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (217-333-6677).