Purdue University Conference for Assistant Professors

In collaboration with the Provost’s Office at Purdue University, the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center for Leadership Excellence hosts an annual Conference for Assistant Professors (previously called Conference for Pre-Tenure Women, all are now welcome to participate). Since 2010, this conference has helped pre-tenure faculty not only achieve promotion and tenure, but also develop career strategies and networks useful for moving into further promotions and into different academic areas. This conference is held annually in the early fall on Purdue University’s campus in West Lafayette, IN. Note that West Lafayette, IN is on Eastern Standard Time.

Program Support

The Office of the Provost at Illinois provides limited funding assistance for full-time, pre-tenure and specialized faculty at the assistant professor rank to attend this annual conference. This funding covers the registration cost for the conference. Faculty will be required to pay for the difference of remaining costs associated with the conference (e.g., mileage, hotel, etc.), such as with matching funds from the faculty member’s home department, college, or other sources. Additional funding assistance is available from the Susan Bulkeley Butler Center. See the conference website (linked above) for more information.

Application for Funding

Applications received by August 10 will be given full consideration. Submit your application using the online form.