Choosing the (Semi) Unknown

Gerald’s view on research topics is very new to me. I have always thought that when authors write a book or article on a specific topic, they did so because they were already well versed in that subject. Following this method, for my research topic I am investigating the merits of gun free zones. I am interested in finding out if they actually decrease the likelihood of public shootings and any other effects they might have. While I have a very general knowledge of the subject, I’m no expert so I will be learning about this topic as I research it. This follows Gerald’s opinion on research topics. When I initially picked this topic, I did a quick google search and found many different points of views. Some people were arguing that gun free zones weren’t meant to decrease public shootings, but accidental shootings, and others were very supportive of abolishing gun free zones. Because of the many points of view, there will be many topics to cover and can only make this argument more interesting and complex. There is also significant statistical evidence to support the arguments of both side, further making this an arguable topic. Gun free zones may not seem very important to most people, but it is especially important to people living in Illinois. Since we are the newest state to allow concealed carry, we are also the least aware of the effect that it may have on the public. Even if you are not an avid gun owner, it is your responsibility to know how the state laws can effect you, even more so when it comes to firearms.