
Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Name, Affiliation, Talk/Discussion Title
Patrick Breysse, New York University, LIM and Galaxy Evolution
Tzu-Ching Chang, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, LIM in the optical and infrared
Kieran Cleary, California Institute of Technology, Line Intensity Mapping with Carbon Monoxide
Abby Crites, Cornell University, LIM with ionized carbon
Marc Kamionkowski, Johns Hopkins University, Line Intensity Mapping Overview
Adrian Liu, McGill University, LIM with 21cm
Jordan Mirocha, JPL | Caltech, LIM in the epoch of reionization
Azadeh Moradinezhad, CNRS LAPTh, Overview of line intensity observations applications to cosmology

Contributed Speakers:

Name, Affiliation, Talk/Discussion Title
Shubh Agrawal, University of Pennsylvania, Constraining far-IR line intensities from archival data from the COSMOS multi-wavelength survey
James Aguirre, University of Pennsylvania, Forward-looking Technologies for LIM
José Luis Bernal, Instituto de Física de Cantabria, (Partially) nulling statistical contributions from interlopers to the LIM power spectrum
Justin Bracks, University of Pennsylvania, Placing meaningful constraints on the [CII] intensity history and SFRD evolution with TIM
Matt Bradford, JPL | Caltech, Far-Infrared LIM from Space: Fine-Structure Lines and PAHs across Cosmic Time with PRIMA
Patrick Breysse, New York University, Towards a unified modeling framework for multiline intensity mapping
Isabella P. Carucci, INAF – Trieste, Contaminant subtraction optimisation for hydrogen intensity mapping with MeerKAT
Yun-Ting Cheng, Caltech, Bayesian Multi-line Intensity Mapping
Yi-Kuan Chiang, ASIAA, Tomographic Spectrum of the Cosmic Infrared Background
Dongwoo Chung, CITA/Dunlap Institute, U Toronto, Constraining cosmic molecular gas with the COMAP Pathfinder: a short intermediate progress report
Jonathan Clarke, University of Cologne Physics Institute 1, IMPRS Bonn/Cologne, Large-scale LIM cubes for upcoming [CII] surveys from empirical COSMOS 2020 and ALMA/ALPINE data
Abby Crites, Cornell University, Commissioning Observations with the Tomographic Ionized Carbon Intensity Mapping Experiment (TIME)
Ari Cukierman, Caltech, Line intensity mapping with SPHEREx
Ankur Dev, AIfA, University of Bonn, Impact of Atmospheric Noise on [CII] Line Intensity Mapping with EoR-Spec
Josh Dillon, UC Berkeley, Improved Constraints on the 21 cm EoR Power Spectrum and the X-Ray Heating of the IGM with HERA
Delaney Dunne, California Institute of Technology, COMAP Joint Analyses: Methodologies and Mock Observations
Khandakar Md Asif Elahi, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Progress Towards 21-cm Line Intensity Mapping using uGMRT and MWA
Tom Essinger-Hileman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, The EXCLAIM Mission: Design, Science Goals, and Status
Richard Feder, California Institute of Technology, Dissecting the Near-Infrared Extragalactic Background Light through Fluctuation Analysis of Imager Data from the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER)
Simon Foreman, Arizona State University, Focal-line expansion in CHIME
Rodrigo Freundt, Cornell University – Department of Astronomy, CCAT: The Deep Spectroscopic Survey with the Epoch of Reionization Spectrometer
Hannah Fronenberg, McGill University, An End-to-End Pipeline For 21 cm x LIM Cross-Correlations
Jianyang Fu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Observation Strategy for the Terahertz Intensity Mapper
Karolina Garcia, University of Florida, SLICK-LIM: An AI-assisted model for forecasting future LIM measurements with cosmological hydrodynamic simulations
Athanasia Gkogkou, Institute of Astrophysics – FORTH, Exploring limitations in the halo model framework for line intensity mapping analysis
Wenkai Hu, University of the Western Cape, MeerKAT UHF intensity mapping survey
Howard Hui, Caltech, SPHEREx Instrument Performance
Danny Jacobs, Arizona State University, Optimizing cross correlation between HERA and SphereX
Reinier Janssen, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, The TIM instrument – cryogenic grating spectrometers for terahertz intensity mapping
Christos Karoumpis, University of Bonn, Early galaxies behind the cosmic smog: a CO decontamination technique for the FYST [CII] line intensity mapping survey
Ryan Keenan, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, .99 Terahertz Balloons – Line Intensity Mapping in the Far-Infrared
Garrett (Karto) Keating, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Current status of mmIME: The Millimeter-wave Intensity Mapping Experiment
Samuel Kramer, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Analysis and Forecasting for NASA’s EXCLAIM and Future Line Intensity Mapping Experiments
Kenny Lau, Caltech, Probing the Epoch of Reionization with TIME: an overview and update
Sarah Libanore, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, ULTRASAT: a new eye on the ultraviolet local Universe
Adam Lidz, University of Pennsylvania School of Arts & Sciences, Line-Intensity Mapping Modeling Efforts and Higher-Order Statistics
Lunjun (Simon) Liu, California Institute of Technology, Calibrating the [CII]—SFR Relation at z~1 with Terahertz Intensity Mapper
Ian Lowe, The University of Arizona
Maja Lujan Niemeyer, Max-Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, HETDEX: a Lyman-alpha intensity mapping survey
Jonas Gahr Sturtzel Lunde, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, Improved data processing and data selection with COMAP
Abhishek Maniyar, Stanford University, Extragalactic CO emission lines in the CMB experiments: a forgotten signal and a foreground
Evan Mayer, The University of Arizona, Source Direct Detection Forecasts for Line Intensity Mapping with TIM
Yogesh Mehta, Arizona State University, CO in the CMB
Jordan Mirocha, JPL | Caltech, A new semi-empirical model for the extragalactic background light
Anthony Pullen, New York University, Is the extragalactic continuum an LIM annoyance or an asset?
Alex Reda, Yale University, Investigating delay-space beam signatures with simulations of CHIME
Anirban Roy, New York University and Flatiron Institute, Cross-Correlation Techniques for Mitigating Interloper Contamination and Probing Reionization process
Pranav Sanghavi, Yale University, Exploring the Crosstalk properties of the CHIME Telescope
Debanjan Sarkar, Department of Physics and Trottier Space Institute, McGill University, HERA Constraint on X-Ray Luminosity Incorporating Population III Stars
Faizah Siddique, University of Wisconsin Madison, Developing the Science Analysis Pipeline for the EXperiment for Cryogenic Large Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM)
Benedetta Spina, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Damping wings in the Lyman-alpha forest: a model-independent measurement of the neutral fraction at 5.4 < z < 6.1
Austin Stover, University of Chicago, Design and fabrication of an on-chip transition for VIS, the Vertically Integrated Spectrometer
Nils-Ole Stutzer, Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, COMAP Power Spectrum Updates
Aidan Subrahimovic, New York University, Using sub-MM SAM to model [CII] luminosity as a function of SFR and metallicity
Rakshitha Thaman, New York University, Line Intensity Mapping Cross-correlations in the Era of Wide-field Galaxy Surveys
Mathilde Van Cuyck, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Measuring the CO SLED with mm-LIM in cross-correlation with spectroscopic surveys
Eli Visbal, University of Toledo, Probing Reionization and the First Stars with Line-Intensity Mapping
Haochen Wang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hybrid foreground residual subtraction for HI intensity mapping experiments
Mike Wilensky, University of Manchester, Enabling cutting edge 21-cm power spectrum limits from MWA and HERA using statistical jackknife tests
Jessica Zebrowski, University of Chicago, VIS: The Vertically Integrated Spectrometer, a focal plane architecture to enable cosmology for mm-wave LIM
Rui Lan Zhang, University of Tokyo, How scatter in the star formation rate-halo mass relation biases the LIM power spectrum

Contributed Posters:

Name, Affiliation, Title
Shubh Agrawal, University of Pennsylvania, Forecasting TIM’s [CII] cross-correlation with HI 21-cm interferometric measurements
Vicki Braianova, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Using the Continuous Voxel Intensity Distribution to analyze simulations of line intensity mapping with the [CII] line
Lunjun (Simon) Liu, California Institute of Technology, Effects of Bursty Star Formation on [CII] Line Intensity Mapping of High-redshift Galaxies
Kana Moriwaki, The University of Tokyo, Machine learning application for line confusion problem
Bryan Scott, CIERA | Northwestern University, Graph Neural Network Approaches to the Interloper Problem in Line Intensity Mapping
Guochao Sun, CIERA | Northwestern University, Timing the Epoch of Reionization with the Redshifted 21 cm and Near-Infrared Background Signals
Ryan Wills, Rochester Institute of Technology, Cross-correlation of the Near-infrared and Ultraviolet Backgrounds from GALEX, Spitzer, and CIBER Observations