
Economics & Accounting for the Global Market is a four-week intensive academic program specifically designed for undergraduate students from Jiangsu Province. Hosted by the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for Jiangsu Education Service for International Exchange (JESIE) students take economics and accounting courses, participate in academic site-visits to local businesses, receive vocational ESL training and graduate school preparation, and participate in cultural excursions in Chicago and around Illinois.

美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校会计与国际经济学课程是为期四周的、集授课和文化交流为一体的本科课程项目。该项目为伊利诺伊大学香槟分校文理学院和江苏省教育国际交流服务中心 (JESIE,以下简称“苏教国际”)合作创办。项目内容包括由伊利诺伊大学资深教授和讲师教授的会计、国际经济学课程,英语语言培训,申请赴美读研相关讲座,参观游览芝加哥及其他主要城市景点,以及到当地企业和公司进行参观等活动。