
New Student Checklist

Complete this checklist to learn more about the program and prepare to begin classes:

1 - Claim your NetID
2 - Regularly check your school e-mail or forward your school address to an account you do check.
3 - Learn about the technology used in the iSchool and where to find technical help.
4 - Claim your Illinois Box account to access and share files.
5 - On-campus students: Obtain your iCard when you arrive on campus.
Student Affairs
1 - (Required) Complete the New Student Intake Form.
2 - (Required) Sign up for a group advising session to discuss tools for planning your degree program and prepping for registration.
3 - Find out how Career Services can support you throughout your time in the program.
4 - If you are an international student, read about additional requirements for courses and employment.
1 - If you are a new student with a disability, please contact Disability Resources and Educational Services (DRES) to request and obtain disability-related assistance.
2 - See the various funding options available to help you pay for the program and billing information for tuition.
3 - Before classes begin, learn about course logistics and how to find housing accommodations, if you are an on-campus student.
4 - Review the iSchool Policy Handbook.