FITI: Functional Importance to Intelligibility

Speech materials used to elicit speech for clinical and research purposes in communication disorders need to represent the language. Through collaboration with Dr. Naomi Gurevich (Communication Sciences and Disorders, Purdue University Fort Wayne), we first set out to evaluate the standard passages The Caterpillar, The Grandfather Passage, The Rainbow Passage, and Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment in terms of their phonemic and positional coverage, findings only scant positional coverage in all. Thus, we have developed the FITI framework, and developed new speech materials that include both phonemic coverage and allophonic coverage, as well as a tool to prioritize clinical treatment of targets.

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  • Recording of short and syntactically simple FITI phrases (Ryan Corrigan, Doctoral student, Linguistics)
  • Comparison of the production of FITI stimuli between native speakers and L2 speakers (Spring 2025)