This week we took a step back from 3D printing for a little bit and instead focused on the design process. Our teacher organized a workshop ran by the Illinois chapter of the DFA (Design for America), which is an organization where members come together to help and inspire each other throughout the design process. We were first split into the same groups as our semester project groups from the previous week. We then were given a set of conditions and needs for a product, and then we had to design a product that would fill all of those needs and conditions. After that exercise we then learned about how to identify needs when coming up with a product. For this exercise, the products had to be a new idea that could help out the elderly. Our group made a prototype for a bracelet that could connect to ones phone through Bluetooth. It could then by synced up to other objects such as medicine, wallets, and shoes. If the user got too far from these things the bracelet would vibrate and show a message on it’s screen telling the user what they forgot. It could also do things like remind the user when to take medicine. This would help with senior citizens who are struggling with bad memories.
I learned a lot from the DFA workshop. Before this, I had always thought that really smart people just had good ideas out of nowhere, and then just took that idea and sold it to a company or marketed it themselves. I was not aware that there was an organized structure most people have when coming up with ideas and then developing them so they can be feasible, cost-effective, and useful. This workshop taught me the valuable skills of how to identify a problem that needs solving, and then how to create a prototype for a product that can effectively solve that problem in a cost-effective manner.
After the DFA group left, we then were assigned to design our logos for our groups. Our group’s name is IJK, as the three members in our group are named Ian, Jack, and Kenny. We then created our logo and printed it out. The print is shown below.

Nice post John. I thought the process of ideation in class was one that gives us tools to expand our creativity. Similarly I thought that creativity is something people have or do not have. Over the past 6 months of being at UIUC I have come to realize that it is actually a skill that can be developed. One of the best ways I have found to develop creativity, is through obtaining tools such as these activities that help the mind start to ideate.