First Day Printing (Week #2)

This week was awesome, as we got to print the first of many cool objects in class! This was super interesting, but we also learned a lot about the impact of 3D printers beforehand, and even had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about the 3D printing resources available to us on campus, as well as the fablab, which is an awesome worldwide network of over 200 labs where people can go to design and print any object they can create. There are also community activities there, such as a summer camp for kids where they create items like light up backpacks.

After the guest speaker came in, we got split up into our teams for our semester project, which involves us thinking of something that would be cool to create that is also useful to many people. We then have to create this object and give a presentation about how we made it and what its use would be. Our team also got a chance to check out the website


MyMiniFactory is an awesome site where anyone can upload or download any of the 3D designs found on the website. The workers who run MyMiniFactory make sure that every design uploaded is 100% printable. That way users know they won’t be frustrated with a design that doesn’t print out correctly. This cuts down on users loss of time and material. The site also hosts various design competitions, in which a category is given and the best design gets a prize. These competitions are sponsored from companies ranging from candy companies looking for cool designs for 3D printing their candy to tech giants like Google.

Finally, we got to end the day with getting our hands on some of the 3D printers. Our assignment was to find an object design that was small and easy to make on any website sharing 3D files. I ended up choosing to make a cover for my toothbrush. Here’s a picture of it below.

My Toothbrush Case


4 Things Challenge

iPhone Amplifier– This small print gives you an easy to carry around speaker. I would love this, as I love to listen to music, and could take this anywhere, as it’s small and requires no electricity. I would definitely change the iPhone socket to be compatible with the iPhone 5, as that’s what I have.

Iphone holder for bike– This holder attaches to the front bar of your bike. I bike everywhere on campus, and back home I will bike ride for exercise. Having an iPhone holder makes it much easier to listen to music or check my texts at a stoplight. I would make the design a little bit taller so the phone would be closer to me.

Bass Guitar– A 3D printed bass Guitar! This is one of the cooler things I’ve seen. I play guitar and a big fan of music so having a 3D printed instrument would be so cool. If I could modify it, I would maybe try to change the design to be similar to an electric guitar, as that’s what I play.

Boomerang– I’ve never actually owned a boomerang, but this would be a cool and fun way to learn how to use one. If I had to change something, I would maybe just put my name on the boomerang instead of the Coca-Cola Logo.

3 thoughts on “First Day Printing (Week #2)

  1. John, I really like how you shared the aspects of MyMiniFactory and how they always guarantee that the prints turn out right. As a novice new to the 3D printing realm, I think it is extremely important to be able to verify all the files before making them live to avoid headaches. As for your 4 objects, I especially like the phone amplifier and actually had a similar one but received it as a gift. This is such a more economical way to create your own and will have to print these out as gifts now rather than buying one in the future.

  2. Hey,

    That bass guitar really caught my eye. I actually play the bass guitar and I have never seen/heard of anyone 3D printing one. Not sure if you play the bass as well but I wonder if just adding a good pick up and decent strings give you a decent sound. It’s hard to say but that would definitely be a cool project. Also, that iPhone amplifier would be cool to just throw in your backpack. I can think of so many occasions when I’m trying to show someone a video but you can’t hear the audio because there’s too much noise. These amplifier work surprisingly well!

  3. Hi,

    I really like the iPhone holder bike that you put in one of the things that you liked. I think that it is a very useful product and to 3D print it would make it cheap and a lot of people would be able to buy it. It will make carrying phones on the bike safer and also make it easier to listen to music while riding.

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