Final Project Progress

This week was a good week where Team Xerott got hands on and made alot of progress towards our final project which is the Makerlab bot. We moved from just having a card board version last week to lasercutting the outer part thanks to my teammates Odelia and Tiffany. They used inkscape for designing the lasercut pieces to include the electronics in it.  Since this is our 2nd prototype, we used the laser cutting machine to create the two boxes (essentially these two boxes will become the body and head). The body was 120mm by 150mm by 120mm while the head was 135mm by 150mm by 120mm.Within the body, we engraved a heart, with a hole in the middle that was for the camera, and a cut out a square so that the user can see the LED display. The head has two eyes for the ultrasonic transducer (possibly, still debating if we have enough time for it) as well as holes on the side of its head for the speakers.IMG_0243


From there I was able to make progress on my part which is coding and putting together the electronic parts and Raspberry Pi. With the help of the Fablab, I was able to write code in Python on the raspberry pi operating system to activate the camera module that I got to work last week and allow a button to control this feature as well as an LED light to show that it is working. I have been working on getting it to interface with the LCD screen to display messages a s well in a form of subtitle for the bot. In the next couple week, we will need to know the specific measurements of every piece we have and finish are list of wanted utilities.

2 thoughts on “Final Project Progress

  1. Hi Taofik,
    Great post! Your product is really coming together and you guys are almost near the finish line. The box that you created by laser cutting is beautiful and neat. I wish you good luck with your product. I cannot wait to see everyone’s progress.

  2. Hi Taofik!
    I’m so proud of you as a team member. Everytime I’m at the lab, I see how much work and effort you put into the coding. I realized that because Tiffany and I don’t really have experience in coding, it is definitely hard for our team to assist you. However, you still give it your all! Thank you so much!

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