Feedback, Prototyping, Feedback, and more Prototyping progress

This week I learned the absolute cruciality of giving and receiving feedback. Through all prototyping processes whether that’s design thinking to agile software development to new product development, rapid prototyping success is contingent on the “rapid feedback-ing”. As Marty Cagan testifies in Silicon Valley Product Group’s Prototype Testing, “testing your ideas with real users is probably the single most important activity” in the prototyping process: and I honestly couldn’t agree more. This week we were lucky enough to receive feedback from Team AquaPonics as well as provide feedback for Team AquaPonics. Here is a clip during our feedback session between the two teams:


Team AquaPonics gave us some great ideas and they were as follows: 1. To create a much stronger structural base. 2. Minimize the vibration the stopping component of our doorstopper experienced. 3. Utilization of either a stronger adhesive or multiple command strips on our prototype base:

Stronger Structural Base

Team Supra realized that dimensions of our prototype structural base had to be increased. By increasing density levels and overall dimensions, Team Supra’s doorstopper would not only have more surface area and density to absorb the initial contact shock from the slamming door but also have more areas to allow for structural fixing through command strips.

Minimizing Vibration

Team Supra decided to minimize vibrations by placing a bar that would allow for snug sliding of the stopping component of our doorstopper. Additionally, this bar would ultimately prevent all further torque that would be generated from door slamming vibrations ultimately allowing for doorstopper stability. Lastly, Team Supra has decided to employ a flex-plastic material allow for shock absorption.

Stronger Adhesive

Team Supra has decided to continue testing with command strips. However, instead of employing one command strip Team Supra will now be taking advantage of the greater sized and stronger structural base.  Team Supra will be placing command strip at optimal points of shock absorptions calculated through comprehensive testing. Multiple command strips placed at optimal focal points will ensure Team Supra’s door stopper a success.

Lastly, Team Supra created a post-consumer experience survey for testing subjects and participants to complete. Team Supra unfortunately had two prints fail in the lab this week. And due to high demand of 3D printing because of many final architecture projects, Team Supra will have testing completed by Tuesday at midnight. Thus, Team Supra is ready to see and hoping for some great results!

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About Ben Chin

Hi! My name is Ben Chin and I am currently a senior studying Information Systems and Marketing at the University of Illinois. I have a huge passion for business analytics, business intelligence, AI, and will be doing technology consulting (like Veronika) full-time after graduation. Outside of that, I love sports especially basketball and I love working out and staying fit!

3 thoughts on “Feedback, Prototyping, Feedback, and more Prototyping progress

  1. Hey Ben! I couldn’t agree more, receiving outside feedback is super important to success because you get someone else’s unbiased opinion who can point out flaws. I’m also glad to see your team doing well despite having to change course a couple weeks back. I like how you’re using the customizable settings to your advantage, and it was really insightful of you to try out using the flex material to better absorb some of the shock. I’m sure you’re on your way to a great product!

  2. Hi Ben,
    I cannot wait for your product to be fully finished with plants and fish. Also, it was great talking to your team and receiving helpful feedback for our product. We have kept in mind the changes that you thought would be useful and beneficial for the user. Good luck to you and your team!

  3. Hey Ben,

    It was great working with your team to figure out how we could help. Your suggestions were also definitely super helpful for our product. I hope that you’re able to fix all the issues you need to. Especially those Y-Vertical issues. Once you can get that fixed you’re golden!

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