Welcome to CSLSC 2022!
FEBRUARY 23 – 25, 2022
Welcome to CSLSC 2022!
The Coordinated Science Laboratory Student Conference (CSLSC) is a student-organized annual event of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The conference gathers scientists from academia and industry to discuss cutting-edge research problems from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
This year the conference will feature a Robotics Demonstration Session and the following five Technical Sessions.
- Computational Biology
- Imaging and Sensing
- Systems and Networking
- Machine Learning and Signal Processing
- Optimization, Control and Reinforcement Learning
Abstract submissions are now closed.
Check out our virtual CSLSC lobby GatherTown space to meet friends and colleagues.
For more information, please contact the general co-chairs, Tanya Veeravalli or
Akshayaa Magesh .