The Correct Way to act in the United Airlines Incident

A recent incident on the United Airlines flight 3411 has stirred up the public with anger and frustration. The United Airlines flight was overbooked and demanded that some passengers get off the flight. The result of the overbooking had led to the abusive mishandling of one passenger that was dragged off the flight. The abuse was recorded by several passengers. Jason Powell wrote his opinion on how this incident affected not only him, but the high school students he had been on the flight with. He stated that the whole event was traumatizing for many of them who had watched in very close proximity. He wrote this article to clarify that this is not the type of actions that young high school students should be seeing. His concern is that this event taught the children to act in aggression, however, he wanted to shed light on the people who stood up to the flight attendants and the security that dragged the passenger off. He believes that people need to act against what is wrong instead of continuing to watch the abuse happen.

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