Opinion Column 1 – ceabram2

Hello everyone!

My name is Carey Abrams and I am a Sophomore at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. I’m studying Advertising and I am pursing my Media Sales Certificate.

Some activities I am involved in around the campus include Greek life, public relations related campaigns, and professional club memberships.

I am the Internal Social Chair for Gamma Phi Beta which includes planning our date events and managing our social budget. I am also a public relations intern for Her Campus which is an online magazine relating to everything a college girl could relate to. This online magazine gives advice and also has promotional events that I help plan. I’m a member of the Selling Illini club and I am also a member of the fraternity Rho Epsilon which is real estate based.

On campus, I enjoy spending time with my friends in my sorority and going out with them. I also enjoy exploring new places or clubs on campus. I am an adventurous person who is always looking for new experiences to take part in.

Some hobbies I enjoy at home include playing with my puppy, Bo, who is a Boston Terrier, reading new books and seeing new movies, and spending time with my family & friends.

Here is a picture of my puppy when we first got him! He’s one and a half years old right now, but still just as adorable (:

I am excited to continue writing in this class and I look forward to our future activities!

Thanks for tuning in,


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