Under the covers of a Popcorn project

What lies beneath the sheets?

Popcorn is web-based interactive content for videos. Viewers can interact with your content while watching your video.

At it’s core, Popcorn is HTML, CSS, and Javascript based on the newly defined set of standards, HTML5.

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is basically the guts of a web page, what is rendedred for you to see in your web browser. HTML5 is a new set of standards that focuses on creating semantic markup AND focuses much more on web applications and making the web more interactive.

To learn more about html, css, javascript (or just about anything else) visit Lynda – As a UIUC student you should take advantage of this great service

Login at http://go.illinois.edu/lynda


Take a look at the guts

In Popcorn Maker,

While viewing one of your own projects or remixing an existing project:

  1. Save Project (Be sure you are logged in)
  2. In the ‘Share’ panel on the right, click View Project Source
  3. Here you will see everything you just created, all the html, css and javascript that makes this project run in a web browser.



If you really want to get crazy….

Since this is open source, check out the Popcorn Github page.

PopcornJS is the framework underneath Popcorn Maker. If you didn’t want to use the Popcorn Maker interface and were proficient in Javascript, you could create your project writing the html and javascript yourself. You also have the ability to use the code to create additional plugins, as well.

You can also take a look at the excellent documentation http://popcornjs.org/popcorn-docs/getting-started/

Popcorn Remixes

Remixing an existing Popcorn project

One of the many cool things about Mozilla’s Popcorn is the ability to remix projects and make them your own.



Walking through the quick tutorial will help you get started

Be sure you have already created a Mozilla Persona account (with your illinois.edu email)

  1. Find the existing Mozilla Popcorn Project you want to remix
  2. Click the remix button on the bottom toolbar
  3. Save the project – this will save a copy of your remix in your projects
  4. Now you can hack away – change whatever you like!


Step 1: Find an existing project to remix

Since Popcorn is barely out of beta, there aren’t a whole lot of places to find these projects. (You are on the cutting edge, my friend!)

Your best bet is to start at https://popcorn.webmaker.org/


Step 2: Click the remix button at the bottom of your selected project


Screen capture outlining the remix button


Step 3: Save the project – to have a copy in your projects

Screen capture highlighting save button in Popcorn Maker


Step 4: Hack away and make it your own

Hit Play to watch it through at least one time to see how the timeline works

You can change anything. Try testing out all the different components to see how it works.

  • Change Media to a different video (YouTube, etc.)
  • Movie things around on the timeline and between layers to see the effects
  • Add new layers or reorder existing ones
  • Play with the events that are on the timeline

Editing Timeline Events:

Select an item on the timeline to edit, you will see the options for that event on the right hand side.

Screen capture highlighting the wikipedia entries in popcorn maker


Add new items to the timeline by dragging to project window or to timeline



Some awesome tips to help you get started with your project: https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?tool=popcorn

What the heck is Mozilla Popcorn?

An Introduction

Popcorn.js is an HTML5 media framework written in JavaScript for filmmakers, web developers, and anyone who wants to create time-based interactive media on the web. Popcorn.js is part of Mozilla’s Popcorn project.

Popcorn.js is the framework underneath the project (the html and javascript to make it work)

Popcorn Maker is the graphical interface used to create your project

For a great introduction to Popcorn and to see just how awesome it is, view this TED Talk Video and corresponding article at https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2012/10/19/ted_popcorn/

Also, take a look at this quick introduction  by Mozilla found on http://popcornjs.org/

Ok, that seems cool, but how do I make my own?

You will use a tool called Popcorn Maker (originally titled Butter).

At its core, Popcorn Maker is an HTML5 web app for combining web media with images, text, maps, and other dynamic web content.

Check out this video found at: https://popcorn.webmaker.org/

Getting Started

Be sure to create a Mozilla Persona account using your ILLINOIS.EDU email – or else you won’t be able to SAVE your work

Follow the tutorial https://popcorn.webmaker.org/templates/basic/?savedDataUrl=tutorial.json

Try a remix first to get you started


Additional and Background Info

Take a look at: Popcorn Maker 1.0 released – how it works

To learn more about html, css, javascript (or just about anything else) visit Lynda – As a UIUC student you should take advantage of this great service

Login at http://go.illinois.edu/lynda

Mozilla also has some good information about html, css, js

How To

Some awesome tips to help you get started with your project: https://webmaker.org/en-US/projects/?tool=popcorn

Take a look at info about remixes

Login to see Your Popcorn Maker Projects

Embedding Mozilla Popcorn into Compass

Embedding Mozilla Popcorn into Compass Discussion Board

In Popcorn Maker:

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Mozilla Persona account (preferably using your illinois.edu email)
  2. Save your project
  3. Share your project
  4. In the ‘Share’ section, Copy Embed code. It should look something like:

<iframe src=’http://popcorn.webmadecontent.org/ggt_’ width=’560′ height=’358′ frameborder=’0′ mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>


In Compass2G:

  1. Find the appropriate Discussion Board Forum in your Compass course. Ask your instructor for the name.
  2. Click the ‘Create New Thread’ button
  3. Add a subject
  4. In the Message box, if Text Editor is ON: Turn it Off
  5. Now, be sure to click the HTML radio button at the bottom of the Message box.
  6. Copy your embed code into the Message box.
  7. Submit to post