After a long, hot summer in Champaign-Urbana, we are very excited to get in the spirit of the Fall season with these local events. With a range of spooky to sweet activities, you’ll see that there’s something for everyone!! Learn more below!

Champaign Urbana Folk and Roots Festival logo banner
C-U Folk & Roots Festival
Downtown Urbana, IL
October 18-20
Don’t miss the tenth year anniversary of the Champaign-Urbana Folk and Roots Festival! This event is completely volunteer-run and brings together national, regional, and local artists and folk organizations to perform throughout downtown Urbana. The festival includes performances, dances, instructional sessions, jams, song-circles, family activities, storytelling, instrument-making, and more. For more information, visit the Folk and Roots Festival website!
Live Music at Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch
3902 S Duncan Rd, Champaign, IL
Ending October 28
Join in some toe-tapping live music most Saturdays and Sundays in October at the Oz Pavilion, located in the Curtis Orchard & Pumpkin Patch. While you’re there, enjoy a homegrown array of pure-Fall-fun activities, including pumpkin and apple picking, or exploring the corn mazes. Don’t forget to pick up some of their famous, fresh apple cider donuts! Take a look at the band list, and find out more about events at the orchard. If you’d like more information, please visit the Curtis Orchard website!
Pumpkins with a Purpose!
701 E Florida Ave, Urbana IL
October 14-31
The Pumpkin Patch at Trinity Lutheran Church, Urbana, IL will be open October 14th-October 31st from noon until 6:00 p.m. daily, with a variety of pumpkins and decorative gourds available. Family Fun Day will be Saturday, October 20 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Come choose a pumpkin and have fun with face painting, inflatables, and pumpkin decorating! Each purchase supports the following charitable causes: Haiti Feeding Program, the Orphan Grain Train, Eastern Illinois Food Bank, and Operation Christmas Child. For more information, refer to the Pumpkins with a Purpose calendar event!

Dallas & Co Haunted Room
Dallas & Company’s Haunted Room
101 E University Ave, Champaign, IL
Every weekend in October
Strange things happen in the Dallas and Company Haunted Room. Those who dare to enter are greeted with a talking ghost, witches, zombies, skeletons and what APPEARS to be lifeless bodies. The Haunted Room is only open for a few weekends in October, and participants can only go through once because we believe it’s all your heart can stand. Follow them on social media for exact opening times. If you’d like more information, visit the Dallas & Co. website!
Happy October!
Written by Morgan
Edited by Lauren, Zander and Kirsten