REMINDER Illinois Abroad Australia INFO SESSION

Please help spread the reminder that we are hosting an Info Session on Tuesday, April 28 from 12:15 – 1:00 and Wednesday, April 29 from 4:15 – 5:00 in Room #3019 Huff Hall (Khan Annex) about the “Global Health and Diversity” course that will take place in Australia over the 2015-2016 Winter Break term. This course has been a popular course for students interested in health-related studies abroad.
We will focus on a variety of concepts comparing health issues in the U.S. and Australia. Students will be particularly interested in the health care, aging, disability, and maternal and child health aspects of the course.  Lena Hann, Clinical Instructor in the College of Applied Health Sciences School of Public Health, will be the instructor for the course.  In order to have an idea of attendance numbers, please have students register for the meeting at
Thank you in advance for sharing this information with your students.  These presentations are different from the ones that Study Abroad is holding for New Zealand and Australia and are the last information sessions that we will be holding before the end of the semester.  We appreciate your assistance in getting the word out about this program. 
Best regards –
Julie Bobitt, Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Program