I4I and IPS Study Abroad Scholarships

I am excited to notify you that the Illinois for Illinois (I4I) and International Programs and Studies (IPS) Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarship Programs are now accepting applications.  The applications, as well as detailed information about the scholarships, are available at http://app.studyabroad.illinois.edu/?go=schi4ips and http://app.studyabroad.illinois.edu/?go=IPSschol.  Please note that the I4I and IPS scholarship applications are due February 18, 2015
Thank you for your help in encouraging students to take advantage of these study abroad funding opportunities.  I am attaching a copy of our full scholarship listing as an additional resource for students.  


Scholarship Opportunities – 10.24.14

Elizabeth Stickel
Specialist for International Scholarships
International Programs and Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign