Political Science Courses – Restrictions Removed – New Opportunities

The Department of Political Science has removed major course restrictions on intermediate and advanced classes except those requiring consent of the department.  Seats in these great courses are all available!  PS 302: U.S. Constitution, PS 303: U.S. Congress, PS 322: Law and Public Policy, PS 377: Topics in Political Theory and many more advanced classes besides!

And, there’s more.  There are more than fifty open seats in PS 282: Governing Globalization – a popular advanced composition course examining the historical, socio-economic, political, and moral dimensions associated with the rise of a global society and its governance as well as PS 241 – a non-western, social sciences general education course offering comparative and historical insights into the problems affecting the developing world by examining social, economic and political changes in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

And, of course, there are still more courses to treasure in political science.  There are seats open in the standard introductory and intermediate classes, and to meet new demand, the department has – just yesterday – added a new course on international security (ps 283).

Kindly pass this information to students who might be interested.

Have a wonderful week!

Joe Hinchliffe

Joseph Hinchliffe, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Political Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign