MillerComm2015, Timothy Snyder, Rethinking Europe's History, Nov. 10

Center for Advanced Study

Timothy Snyder will give a  CAS/ MillerComm2015 presentation, FROM the GREAT WAR to the  BLOODLANDS: RETHINKING EUROPE’S HISTORY, Monday, November 10, 3:00pm, Knight Auditorium, Spurlock Museum, 600 South Gregory, Urbana.

Timothy Snyder is the Bird White Housum Professor of History, Yale University.

Europe’s early 20th century was an era of unprecedented brutality in human history–the 16 million dead of World War I followed in short order by the 60 million casualties of World War II. Historian Timothy Snyder, the foremost scholar of the period, presents his path-breaking interpretation of Europe’s Bloodlands, offering a new theory of political violence in the modern times.

This presentation is free and open to the public.  For more information, contact the Center for Advanced Study at 333-6729 or

Center for Advanced Study
Phone: 217-333-6729