Renée Baillargeon, CAS Annual Lecture, Morality in Infancy, October 21

The Twenty-Fourth Center for Advanced Study Annual Lecture

Renée Baillargeon,  CAS Professor of  Psychology,  will discuss “MORALITY in INFANCY” on Tuesday, October 21, 7:30pm, Spurlock Museum, 600 S. Gregory Urbana.

Recent research indicates that children in the first two years of life already possess rich expectations about how individuals should act toward others. These expectations appear to be guided by a small set of abstract sociomoral principles. My talk will focus on three of these principles: fairness, reciprocity, and ingroup love. In each case, I will present experimental evidence that when observing relevant interactions among unfamiliar individuals, infants apply the principle to interpret and predict the individuals’ actions.

A reception will follow the talk.

This presentation is free and open to the public.  For more information, contact the Center for Advanced Study at 333-6729 or

Center for Advanced Study