PS 199: Civic Careers

As the drop deadline nears, you may need to suggest substitute courses for students. Please have them consider:

PS 199: Civic Careers.  This experimental, one-credit course invites students to consider developing their own civic careers in the contemporary social and political economy. The course will emphasize the development of personal and civic objectives and skills, as well as professional development in a dynamic and fragmented local, national and global community. Topics include: taking stock of values and skills, examining contemporary civic careers, evaluating educational opportunities, preparing career narratives, networking, and selecting career opportunities  M 3:00-4:50 331 Armory  one credit hour CRN 55924

Also, as students think about summer, they may wish to consider a course meeting from May 18-31 on the Politics of National Parks.  This travel course will include exploration of national parks in Colorado.  For more information, see:

All the best,

Joseph Hinchliffe, PhD
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Department of Political Science