Summer 2014: EPSY 220 — Career Theory and Practice

EPSY 220 — Career Theory and Practice  (ONLINE COURSE)
Design and implementation of an innovative life planning process; a participatory experience that includes a survey of theories, models, and research on life and career planning and that encourages systematic skill identification, values clarification, and the development of job search strategies.
On request, students will be required to participate in a total of 6 hours of experiments outside of class.
Required Course Materials: A set of inventories to increase self-understanding and awareness. Current cost for this inventory is $20 and will be charged directly to the student account.
CRN: 37435     6/16/14 – 7/11/14      James Brooks
CRN: 35648     7/14/14 – 8/7/14         Chris Murdock-Jordan