Summer 2014 Art+Design Courses

please let interested students know of Art+Design’s summer course offerings.  courses are open to campus, no restrictions.  color and black/white poster attached, course information listed below.
Summer Session 1
ARTF 102 Drawing 1 (crn: 34317), 8-11:55 Mon-Fri
ARTF 103 Design 1 (crn: 31208), 1-4:55 Mon-Fri
Summer Session 2
ARTD 211 Design History Survey (crn: 37862), online
Fulfills Literature & Arts general education requirement

ARTF 102 Drawing 1
CRN 34317 8–11:55am M–F
Theory and practice in observational drawing; emphasis on fundamental principles: mark/line, shape/form, space/composition, linear/perspective, scale/proportion, value/tonal range, and pattern/texture. Fulfills an Art + Design Foundations Program requirement.
ARTF 103 Design 1
CRN 31208 1–4:55pm M–F
Theory and practice in the elements, processes and principles of design. Three components: color, a study of the visual, material and psychological nature of color; communication, an introduction to the fundamentals of visual communication using primarily digital media; and 3D craft, a survey of fabrication techniques using three-dimensional media. Fulfills an Art + Design Foundations Program requirement.

ARTD 211 Design History Survey
CRN 37862 Online
History of design concentrating on manufactured products, communication, and media from the Modern period to the present. Emphasis on the correspondence
between historical and contemporary modes of practice. Fulfills an Art + Design Graphic Design curriculum requirement and a campus Literature & Arts general education requirement.
Find an updated list of current open classes at
For more information:
Mark Avery
Coordinator of Undergraduate Academic Affairs
School of Art+Design
140 Art+Design Building
