Sustainable Food Systems

Sustainable Food Systems
ACES 199 RH – CRN 57624 | Spring 2014 3 hours | 2 – 3:20 TR, 208 AESB


Open to all majors; no pre-requisites. In this course, students join faculty from all ACES departments to think critically and collaboratively about our systems for producing, preparing, and consuming food and the complex social and ecological systems in which they operate. Among the topics we’ll consider are the challenge of producing enough food to feed the growing world population and some of the environmental, economic and health issues related to producing, processing, and consuming food. We’ll start by thinking about “the food we eat” and then connect it to health (e.g., obesity, nutrition, disease), the environment (e.g., ecological footprint), the global economy (e.g., population growth, community economic development), and technology (e.g., genomics, engineering, information processing).
