Info Session: Summer course in Vienna, Dec 5 @ 7pm

Info Session: Summer Course in Vienna
December 5, 7:00pm
DKH, Room 125, 1407 W Gregory Dr.,

Info Session: PS 300: World War I & International Relations Theory

Summer course in Vienna: May 18-June 1, 2014 

This summer the Political Science department will once again offer a study abroad course in Vienna with Prof. Vasquez. This year, it is new course PS 300: World War I and International Relations Theory in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of World War I. The course counts for an upper-level course in the major and will culminate in a two day undergraduate research conference in Salzburg at the Schloss Leopoldskron, where the Sound of Music was filmed (see the picture above). 
Course description: An analysis of the outbreak and spread of World War I and its impact on Europe and the EU in light of international relations theory. Emphasis is placed on the role of alliances, rivalry, repeated crises, arms races, and territorial disputes and how these affected decision making in individual countries. The long-term impact on the EU is also investigated with respect to current territorial disagreements, especially over Sudtirol. Students prepare a paper using recent data and historical information.
Study where it all started: VIENNA, AUSTRIA May 17-June 14 first summer session
Optional excursions to Munich, Italy (Florence), Prague, or Budapest
For more information, contact Prof. Vasquez