Agricultural Leadership & Policy Course: Includes Trip to Washington DC

Hello Advisors! Please let your students know about this course with 3 credit hours and a spring break immersion trip to Washington DC! Juniors and Seniors are best for the course but we will take sophomores if we need to fill the class.
Thank you,
Jessa Barnard
Spring 2014 Course with Spring Break Study Tour to Washington DC! *SEE ATTACHMENT
ACE 199SC Agribusiness Leadership & Policyis designed to provide students with a well-rounded immersion in the complex issues and constraints involved in policy making and implementation. This class explores the entire policy making process and the complex linkages and relationships between “Who” is involved in policy making; “What” the current topics are; “Where” it occurs, “Why” policy is important & “How” it’s implemented. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors. All majors are welcome. Course fee of $975 includes flight, lodging, transportation, and some meals.
*TO APPLY: email a statement of interest (one paragraph minimum) to with why you feel that you would benefit from this program.
For More Information Contact:
Jon Scholl, Course Instructor & Former President of American Farmland Trust
Jessa Barnard, ACE Advisor,